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This is a map of Boyle, County Roscommon, You can Show street map of Boyle, County Roscommon, Show satellite imagery(with street names, without street names) and Show street map with terrain, enable Panoramio
King House is a restored Georgian Mansion located in Boyle. It was built in the early 1700’s for Sir Henry King, whose family were one of the most powerful and wealthy in Ireland. Roscommon County Council, recognising the historical, architectural and cultural importance of King House, began the restoration project in 1989. Using skilled artisans and local craftsmen employing traditional techniques and materials, all three floors and the basement have been restored. Of particular note are the main entrance gallery with its tripate windows and original fireplace, the extensive vaulted ceilings on all floors and the main salon which is in use once again as a venue for recitals and banquets. Since 1788, when the King Family moved to Rockingham, the house has been used as a military barracks - recently by the Irish Army but originally by the Connaught Rangers who, while in India, they heard of the atrocities being committed back in Ireland by the 'Black and Tans' and mutinied. The other rooms in the house are used for temporary exhibitions and these are open to visitors, usually at no extra charge. In The Kings of Connaught exhibition visitors are led through a series of tableaux and encouraged, with interactive pieces, to experience life as it was in the house and in the locality. The displays, ranging all over the floors, cover four main themes: The Kingdom of Connaught (from the earliest recorded times showing the importance of the clans and their kings), The King Family (meet the families who lived in the house from Sir John King who came to Boyle in 1603 to the fascinating accounts of life, both for the family and the staff, at Rockingham Estate, now Lough Key Forest Park), the Restoration (a room has been left partially restored so that visitors can see the fabric of the house and with the aid of photographs and models see the skill and craft employed in the building and restoration), and The Military Usage (from 1788 to recent times).









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